Title: SMDM Webinar: How to analyze a cost-effectiveness dataset: A gentle introduction
Length: 1.5 hours
Level: beginner
Overview: This is a session for people who want to try to analyze a dataset with three variables (i.e., cost, outcome and treatment/intervention) to study the cost-effectiveness of the treatment/intervention. There are no pre-requisites but if you would like to participate in the group exercises you should have a program like Excel, Stata, SAS, r or something like that that can do regression. The introductory session will help you learn how to estimate two cost-effectiveness statistics and characterize their statistical uncertainty. While the class focuses on how to analyze a cost-effectiveness dataset with simple methods, the concepts and interpretations of findings almost completely carry over into the modeling world (e.g., Decision trees or Markov models).
Format & prerequisites: 1.5 hour webinar. No pre-requisites. Students may use their new found knowledge of r to do regression but there is no requirement that they do.