Committees & Volunteers


A list of our active committees is presented below. If you have interest in joining or volunteering for any of these committees, please email us:

  • Membership & Communications Committee 
    The Membership & Communications Committee targets Chapter membership recruitment, retention and messaging of the New York Chapter. Mike Kramer (Citigroup) and Yvonne Pytlik (HSBC) are the Co-Chairs of this committee.


  • Education and Emerging Risk Professionals Committee 
    The Education Committee works to define the education agenda for our membership, including the organization of Chapter education events. The committee plans and coordinates a series of breakfasts throughout the year to expand mid-career officers’ knowledge of different risk areas. 


  • Program Committee 
    The program committee is made up of the Executive Committee. The committee focuses on the development and execution of programs during the membership year. 



  • Audit Committee 
    This committee’s role is to determine the accuracy of the chapter’s financial records compared to the chapter’s actual financial condition and to determine if the financial records are adequate and properly maintained. The committee communicates with the association administrator and the Treasurer and samples records for the prior fiscal year. The committee then reports back to the full board on the adequacy and accuracy of the records

Mailing Address: RMA New York Chapter, 25 North Broadway, Tarrytown, New York, 10591


Phone: 914-332-0042



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