Login instructions

Login Instructions


To log in, you will need to use the email address you have previously provided to the Mortar Board National Office. For members who are first-time users, this may be the email address you provided to your chapter when you applied for or were tapped for membership.


The password for all first-time users is Password1#. Once you have logged in for the first time, you will be prompted to change your password.




Please contact us at mortarboard@mortarboard.org or 614-488-4094 to have your email address added to your record if you receive a prompt that your email address is not on file.


If you have forgotten your password, you may use the link provided on the login page to receive instructions for changing it.  You may also contact the Mortar Board National Office at 614-488-4094 or email us at mortarboard@mortarboard.org for assistance in accessing your record.