NEPPA is offering a virtual 3 1/2 hour program to address the origins of the NESC and its fundamental application to electric utility transmission and distribution systems, highlighting important changes that are effective with the 2023 edition on Monday, October 17th, 2022 virtually (12:00 pm – 3:30 pm).
Longer programs will be offered in 2023 that will allow more extensive and in-depth coverage of topics, as well as practice exercises for participants. 2023 dates will be coming soon.
Managers, safety professionals, electric utility engineers, designers, technicians and all field personnel who are responsible for decisions concerning transmission and distribution systems. The course is conducted at a practical level and is appropriate for degreed professionals, including engineers and engineering technicians as well as skilled craft personnel, field supervisors and non-degreed high school graduates with a general knowledge of the electric utility system.
This course does not have prerequisites and does not require advance preparation; however, familiarity with the NESC will be helpful in gaining a more in-depth understanding of the code changes and their ramifications.
R. John Miner, Tom Black, Erich Schoennagel and Ted Dimberio are effective and experienced adult education instructors with extensive electric utility engineering, operations, safety, and management experience. All four have worked with the NESC throughout their careers. Collaborative Learning (CL) has delivered NESC programs to a wide range of audiences throughout the U.S. for more than 25 years.