We are pleased to present the 2024 Compensation and Benefits Survey Report - a joint partnership between the Ohio Association of Nonprofit Organizations (OANO), the Toledo Community Foundation, and The Center for Nonprofit Resources.
Perhaps budget time is approaching at your organization and you would like to compare your staff salaries to averages in the field. OANO's report includes:
· Information on key benefits such as insurance and retirement.
· Compensation trends such as flex time, education reimbursement and bonuses.
Organizations that participated in the salary survey should have received their free copy via email. If you did not participate, but would still like the information, you can place your order by clicking here. The price is $50 for nonparticipating OANO members and $100 for nonmembers.
For more information, please call OANO at 614-280-0233 or email us at info@oano.org