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Membership Details
Member Price$395.00
New Member Price$395.00
Membership Description

Physicians duly licensed in the State of Illinois to practice medicine in all its districts, who are residents of, or practice in Cook County, and are of good moral and professional standing.

Physicians duly licensed to practice medicine in all its districts serving as full-time employees of national medical organizations with headquarters in Cook County subject to the recommendation of the Membership Committee and approval of the Council of the Chicago Medical Society.

Physicians, otherwise eligible who are licensed in one of the states of the United States but not licensed in Illinois, who are not engaged in the active practice of medicine but are employed in an allied medical activity not requiring licensure.

Physicians serving full-time as medical officers in any Branch of the Armed Services, in the United States Public Health Service, or the Veterans Administration, so long as they are actively engaged in such service, and thereafter if they have not been retired for physical disability or after long and honorable service. 

Membership InformationThis is a Calendar based MembershipMembership Term Effective Date:12Expiration Date:7/16/2024Referred By:12/31/2024

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