Committees List

Welcome to the NAACCR Committee List. You will find below a list of all active ad-hoc, standing, and special committees; subcommittees; work groups; and task forces. Please click on the name of the group to view its description and Chair information. Please see subsequent pages for additional committees.

Please Note: The committees are sorted in the following order: Board of Directors (with its subcommittees and work groups); Standing Committees (with their subcommittees and work groups); Special Committees and Task Forces (with their subcommittees and work groups); and Ad-Hoc Committees (with their subcommittees and work groups).

If you are interested in joining a committee, please click on that committee's name and contact the chair.

  • Strategic Planning and Alliances Steering Committee
    Strengthen and expand relationships with key stakeholders.
  • Standardization and Registry Development Steering Committee
    Facilitate mission-critical role of NAACCR to prepare central registries to adapt rapidly and successfully to changing developments in cancer surveillance to assure the highest quality data for central registries while seeking innovative strategies to develop the cancer registry of the future.
  • Research and Data Use Steering Committee
    Facilitate the expansion of data use for research, cancer prevention and control, and clinical outcomes; and improve access to pooled data across states and provinces for research.
  • Professional Development Steering Committee
    Address workforce issues for the surveillance community, skill development, and training needs of the NAACCR community.
  • Communications Steering Committee
    Develop and strengthen internal and external NAACCR communications and bring a greater awareness of NAACCR member interests to wider audiences.
  • Annual Report to the Nation
  • Board of Directors-Finance and Personnel Subcommittee
    This group meets to discuss the finance and personnel issues with NAACCR as an organization. The Finance/Personnel Subcommittee shall be a subcommittee of the NAACCR, Inc. Board of Directors. The purpose of the Subcommittee shall be twofold: (1) to review, monitor, and recommend policy for the organization that pertains to the management of the financial resources and the financial risks of the organization. These may include policies with respect to investments and uses of cash, and strategy for the fiscal stability of the organization; and (2) to give advice, recommend policy, and provide support to the NAACCR Board of Directors for any significant personnel issues related to the Executive Director. These may include topics such as compensation or other personnel matters of the organization. This Subcommittee will also respond to any requests from the Executive Director.
  • Bylaws Committee
    The Bylaws Committee receives and reviews all proposed amendments to the Bylaws. The Committee is responsible for mailing proposed amendments to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to action being taken at the annual business meeting.
  • Cancer Informatics Advisory Group
  • Certification Work Group
    Explore need for modification to current Gold and Silver level certifications, or addition of new level of certification.
  • CiNA Editorial Work Group
    This committee evaluates the data submitted for inclusion in the CINA products, selects the data for inclusion in the CINA products, and determines how the data will be presented in the CINA Monographs. This committee also provides feed back on the data submitted to the submitting registry.
  • CiNA Monograph Volume VI Task Force
  • CiNA Research Network Work Group
  • Data Assessment Work Group
    Establish "fitness for use" guidelines to improve data quality/completeness for specific purposes such as cancer control, survival, outcomes evaluation, comparative effectiveness research, and spatial analysis.
  • Data Dictionary Restructure Task Force
  • Data Security and Confidentiality Work Group
    The confidentiality and data security work group is tasked with developing, disseminating, and maintaining up-to-date information on confidentiality and security practices for the NAACCR community. The permanence of this group is necessitated by the rapidly changing data security environment.
  • Death Clearance Task Force
  • Discharge and Claims Data Task Force
  • Edits Work Group
    The EDITS Workgroup provides a formal mechanism to review and make additions/changes to edits and the NAACCR EDITS metafile.
  • Geocoder Technical Work Group
    A task force to oversee the maintenance and improvement of the NAACCR Geocoder.
  • Geographic, Spatial & Demographic Data Work Group
    The Geographic, Spatial and Demographic Data (GSADD) workgroup was formed to address the appropriate uses of geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial research in cancer registry practice.
  • GICR Caribbean WG
  • High-Level Strategic Group
    Ensure high-level coordination and communication among all cancer surveillance organizations regarding the development and implementation of major changes in standards and procedures.
  • ICD-O-3 Implementation Task Force
    The International Association for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) approved additions, changes, and revisions to the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition (ICD-O-3) on September 1, 2011. The purpose of the ICD-O-3 Implementation workgroup is to define steps for implementation of the ICD-O-3 revisions, including an implementation date, and create an implementation guide.
  • Implementation Guideline Task Force
    The Implementation Guidelines TF develops guidelines to implement additions/changes to Standards Volume II and registry operations.