Directory Help

Please try one or more of the following to improve your search results:
  • Use % as a wildcard to substitute for one or more characters; e.g.,  "%Tech" would find all companies with "tech" in any part of their name - including "Earth Technology" and "The Geotechnical Partners, Inc."
  • Enter as few criteria as possible to filter for what you want.  For example, if you want a firm that works on projects in Texas, do not include "Houston" as part of the search terms unless you absolutely must find a company in that city.
  • If you're not sure of spelling or punctuation, enter only part of it.  For example, entering "geot" will return results including "geotic," "geotechnical," and "geotechnology."
  • Do not include "Inc.", "Corp.", "LLC", etc. in your search terms.  For example, entering "The Geotechnical Partners, LLC" would not find "The Geotechnical Partners LLC" in our directory, because the name has no comma in our directory.  However, entering only "The Geotechnical Partners" would bring back the desired results.

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