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Committees Leadership
Committees Leadership
A list of AMTA Officers, Standing Committees, Advisory Boards and other officials is presented below. Click on committee name links to find a list of Committee members and Chairs.

  • Board of Directors
    The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall management of the Association and all final management decisions of the Association. The Board of Directors also determines the long-range goals and objectives of the Association, transacts its general business, prepares an annual budget, is responsible for the control and expenditure of its funds, and is empowered to appoint assistants to any officer of the Association. To contact a Board of Directors member, search for that name in the individual directory online.
  • Assembly of Delegates
    The Assembly of Delegates is the legislative and policy-making body of the Association. The Assembly receives and acts upon legislation from the general membership, the Council Coordinators, the Board of Directors, and its own members. To contact an Assembly of Delegates member, search for that name in the individual directory online.
  • Regional Presidents
    The seven regions of the Association are: Great Lakes, Mid-Atlantic, Midwestern, New England, Southeastern, Southwestern, and Western. To contact a regional president, see: https://www.musictherapy.org/about/regions/ or search for that name in the individual directory online.
  • National Office Staff
    To contact a National Office Staff member, please call the AMTA office at 301-589-3300 or email info@musictherapy.org.
  • Ethics Board
    Board Goals: To improve and advance the use of music, in both its breadth and quality in medical, educational, and community settings for the betterment of the public health and welfare by establishing, maintaining and improving standards of ethical conduct for music therapists.
  • Judicial Review Board
    To contact a board member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Board Goal: To give individuals an opportunity to bring complaints, problems and dissatisfactions with decisions to an Appeal Board with the assurance of receiving an objective review and being accorded fair and equitable treatment without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or age.
  • Education and Training Advisory Board
    The AMTA Education and Training Advisory Board serves as a visionary body to advise, inform, and make recommendations to AMTA on issues related to music therapy education and training. This board examines policy issues that focus on professional standards and the relationship of these standards to education and training requirements, advanced degrees, advanced competencies, levels of practice, professional titles, and state licensure. To contact a board member, search for that name in the individual directory online.
  • Student Affairs Advisory Board
    To contact a SAAB member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Goals: 1. to establish and strengthen a positive and productive relationship between students and professionals of the organization. 2. consult and advise students regarding any concerns brought to attention by students or concerning students. 3. to encourage and support students’ professional involvement and growth within AMTAS and eventually AMTA.
  • Regional Treasurers
    To contact a regional treasurer, search for that name in the individual directory online. The seven regions of the Association are: Great Lakes (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin); Mid-Atlantic (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia); Midwestern (Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming); New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont); Southeastern (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, U.S. Territories and outlying areas in the Atlantic Ocean); Southwestern (New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas); and Western (Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, U.S. Territories and outlying areas in the Pacific Ocean).
  • Academic Program Approval Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goals: 1. To support the establishment and maintenance of standards for education and clinical training in the field through collaboration with appropriate association bodies (e.g. other national committees). 2. To utilize these standards as evaluative criteria for recommending approval for academic institutions upon initial application and review every ten years thereafter in conjunction with the NASM accreditation/affirmation review.
  • Association Internship Approval Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goals: 1. To establish, maintain and improve standards for the training of music therapists participating in AMTA programs on the National Internship Roster. 2. To encourage and assist persons in their clinical preparation for music therapy practice.
  • Clinical Practice Networking Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goal: To provide coordination for networking opportunities among practitioners of special target populations, between committees and with professionals in related fields.
  • Continuing Education Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goals 1. To ensure that the continuing education courses offered by AMTA adhere to the guidelines established by the Certification Board for Music Therapists. 2. To promote the value of board certification and strive to provide continuing education opportunities that meet the educational needs of the members of AMTA.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goals: 1. To encourage increased diversity within the population of music therapy professionals and students in the US. 2. To increase diversity, equity, and inclusion training and resources for AMTA members. 3. To provide a support system, including tools and resources, for music therapy professionals and students from diverse groups. 4. To monitor and recommend revisions to AMTA documents to achieve conformity to accepted language concerning diversity and multiculturalism.
  • Government Relations Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goal: To increase access to quality music therapy services through monitoring and responding to state and federal legislation that impacts music therapy practice and/or impacts healthcare and education service delivery to current and future music therapy clients.
  • International Relations Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goals: 1. To facilitate awareness of international opportunities and events by AMTA members, and the inclusion of international perspectives of music therapy in AMTA. 2. To assist the President of AMTA with matters concerning the World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT), such as facilitating communication and the distribution of information as well as suggesting the names of appropriate AMTA members who might fill WFMT council membership positions. 3. To assist international students. 4. To collaborate with the AMTA Vice President (conference chair) to identify a local group or performer who would make a musical presentation representing a diverse ethnic music tradition and provide a workshop experience in the basic techniques of that musical genre. 5. To facilitate awareness of music therapy among disciplines, organization and professionals in other countries.
  • Interprofessional Collaborative Resources Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goals: 1. To interpret the music therapy profession to other professionals, disciplines and organizations in the United States. 2. To interpret attitudes and opinions of these groups toward the music therapy profession and its services. 3. To identify, encourage, maintain and make recommendations regarding relationships between AMTA and other professional organizations.
  • Membership Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goals: 1. To insure the growth and development of AMTA by determining ways to increase membership. 2. To promote the value of all categories of AMTA membership. 3. To evaluate the needs of AMTA members.
  • Professional Advocacy Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goals: 1. To advocate for the professional representation of the field of music therapy. 2. To assist membership in responding to misrepresentation of music therapy in the media and in public.
  • Reimbursement Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goal: To increase access to music therapy services by increasing the percentage of music therapy services receiving reimbursement.
  • Research Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goals: 1. To encourage and promote research of all types of research methodology in music therapy. 2. To take complete responsibility for the research sessions at national conference.
  • Standards of Clinical Practice Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goal: To develop, assess, and update the AMTA Standards of Clinical Practice.
  • Technology Committee
    To contact a committee member, search for that name in the individual directory online. Committee Goals: 1. To educate members on current clinical technology resources, practices, and applications; 2. To serve as a technology resource for members; 3. To promote technology-related events and training at national and regional conferences; 4. To support members in their uses of current and emerging technologies.
  • Workforce Development and Retention Committee
    Goals: To increase awareness of music therapy as a career choice and create channels for support and communication with the AMTA Membership regarding workforce development and retention. To email committee representatives, use amtawdrcommittee@gmail.com

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