The 2024 World Congress on In Vitro Biology will be held from Saturday, June 8 – Wednesday, June 12, 2024, in St. Louis, Missouri at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at The Arch
Registration rates to the 2024 World Congress on In Vitro Biology Meeting In-Person include: Admission to all sessions including the Saturday pre-conference workshops and the 16th International Conference on Invertebrate and Fish Cell Culture; exhibition; invitation to the Opening Ceremony, Welcome Reception, and Joint Social at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at The Arch; registration bag and meeting materials; copies of the meeting publications; access to the event website, mobile app, and on-demand limited access recordings.
Accompanying Guest Registration includes admission to the Exhibit Hall and invitations to the Opening Ceremony, Welcome Reception, and Joint Sections Social.
IF YOU ARE AN SIVB MEMBER or have registered on this website before, please log in before registering for the meeting. If you don't know how to log in, please contact us at or call us at (410) 969-7941.
Note: Our refund policy is as follows: All requests for cancellations and/or refunds must be made in writing. Refunds are subject to an administrative processing fee of $50.00. The amount refunded is determined by the date the request is received. A full refund less the administrative fee will be granted if the request is received by March 31, 2024, one-half from April 1 to May 10, 2024; no refund after May 10, 2024. Exceptions to this policy will be made for attendees who are not able to attend the conference due to a country ban, government restricted travel, or airline restrictions. Those individuals may cancel after the deadline and receive a full refund of the paid registration rate minus the $50 non-refundable administrative fee.
Abstract fees are non-refundable.
Combined meeting registration/membership includes SIVB membership for 1-calendar year (Jan-Dec) & meeting registration. Membership includes subscriptions to In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Animal or – Plant & the In Vitro Report. Contact SIVB for additional member information.
NEW: Post Doc Registration Options: Post Docs now have same registration opportunities as regular attendees. Those who are members are eligible to register at a discounted rate with proof of status. Nonmember Post Docs can choose to either 1) purchase the discounted Post Doc Combination Membership/Meeting Registration Rate (see benefits * above) or register as a nonmember,
Proof of student, Post-Doc or Research Technician status will be required, or the full registration rate will be required. Proof of Student Status may be one (1) of the following: copy of student ID, letter from your supervisor, or current class schedule. Proof of Post-Doc or Research Technician status is a letter from your supervisor verifying your current status. Please forward your proof of status to the SIVB Business Office at
The Sponsor-a-Buddy Program supports the SIVB’s Student Initiative. For only $25, members and attendees of the SIVB Annual Meeting can help support a student “buddy.” Contributions will be used to support student activities for the meeting. Contributors will be acknowledged with a special ribbon at the 2024 World Congress on In Vitro Biology
To view the current program, please visit our website.