Upcoming Programs
Please hold the following dates for our upcoming programs:
- Thursday, September 15th, 2022: TBA
- Wednesday, October 12th, 2022: TBA
- Wednesday, November 30th, 2022: TBA

Previous Programs and Events Held:
Wednesday, July 13th 2022: Soft Landing or Not? A Discussion of Current and Potential Economic Challenges (In-Person at PwC)
Thursday, June 2nd 2022 Webinar: 2022 Regulatory Update
Wednesday, April 27th 2022 Webinar: Annual Chief Risk Officers Roundtable
Wednesday, March 30th 2022 Webinar: "Cryptocurrency and Risk Management"
Wednesday, March 2nd 2022 Webinar: "Non-Financial Risks: Evolving Risk Management Considerations with Increasing Business Digitization and Technology Modernization at Play"
Thursday, January 27th 2022 Webinar: "Private Credit and Direct Lending - Risk Management and Buy-Side Perspectives"
Thursday, November 18th 2021 Webinar: "Climate Risk - Quantification, Sector Impact and Evolving Disclosures"
Tuesday, October 12th 2021 Webinar: "Risk Considerations on the Cessation of LIBOR: Are We Ready for December 31, 2021?"
Tuesday, September 14th 2021 Webinar: "Developments in Fintech, Crypto and Distributed Ledger Technology - Risk Management Considerations for the Financial Sector"
Wednesday, July 14th 2021 Webinar: "Risk Management Lessons Learned from the Pandemic"
Thursday, June 10th 2021 Webinar: "ESG - Approaches to Climate Risk and Implications for Risk Management, Business Opportunities, Regulatory Expectations and Counterparty Ratings"
Thursday, May 6th 2021 Webinar: "Regulatory Priorities in 2021"
Wednesday, April 7th 2021 Webinar: "Sovereign Risks in a Post-Pandemic World"
Wednesday, March 10th 2021 Webinar: "Shifting Paradigms: Top Risks on the International Chief Risk Officers Radar"
Wednesday, February 10th 2021 Webinar: "Loan Review and Internal Audit: Will the Pandemic Reshape the Roles and Focus?"
Wednesday, January 13th 2021 Webinar: "Treasury Risk in 2021 and Beyond: Managing Market and Liquidity Risk as the Global Economy Recovers"
Thursday, November 19th 2020 Webinar: "The End of LIBOR: What It Means for Risk Managers"
Friday, October 30th 2020 Webinar: "Beyond the Presidential Election - What Lies Ahead for the Economy, Tax Policy and the Regulatory Landscape?"
Wednesday, October 14th 2020 Webinar: "Mitigating Cyber Risk and Building Operational Resiliency"
Thursday, September 17th 2020 Webinar: "Chief Risk Officers Roundtable"
Thursday, August 6th 2020: "Young Professionals and Emerging Risk Leaders Virtual Networking Reception"
Wednesday, July 22nd 2020 Webinar: "Commercial Real Estate for Risk Managers"
Wednesday, June 17th 2020: Webinar - "Current Economic Trends & Outlook and Their Importance to Risk Managers"
Wednesday, May 13th 2020: Webinar - "Navigating Emerging Risks and Regulatory Best Practices in a Pandemic"
Wednesday, February 12th 2020: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG): Considerations for Risk Managers
Wednesday, January 8th 2020: Liquidity Risk: What You Need to Know in 2020
Wednesday, December 4th 2019: A Credit Markets Update: Are the Risks Priced In?
Monday, November 4th 2019: Heightened Geopolitical and Sovereign Risks: Implications for Risk Managers
Thursday, October 10th 2019: CCPs, FMUs & the Current Macroeconomic Environment: Key Risks, Recent Developments and Primary Considerations for Risk Managers
Thursday, September 12th 2019: Operational Risk Management: Recent Developments, Leading Practice and Lessons Learned
Wednesday, June 5th 2019: Thought Leadership on CECL Preparation and Implementation: Is Your Firm Ready? Considerations for Risk Managers
Wednesday, May 15th 2019: 2019 Chief Compliance Officers Roundtable
Wednesday, April 10th 2019: 2019 Credit Markets Deep Dive: Risk Management and Buy-Side Perspectives on the Evolving Structure and Risks of the Credit Markets
Wednesday, March 27th 2019: Guarding Against Cyber Risks - Breakfast at AIG
Wednesday, March 6th 2019: Annual Regulatory Program - Senior Leadership Perspectives on Evolving Risks & Regulatory Expectations
Wednesday, February 13th 2019: Annual Chief Risk Officers Roundtable
Wednesday, January 9th 2019: Exploring the Dynamic Between Conduct Risk, Culture Risk and Reputational Risk
Thursday, November 8th 2018: Are You and Your Firm Ready for the Next Downturn?
Tuesday, October 9th 2018: Alternative Asset Managers: Risk Management Considerations and Current Trends
Wednesday, September 12th 2018: Cutting Edge Developments in Risk Management: Machine Learning, AI and RPA
Thursday, June 14th 2018: The Shifting Geopolitical Landscape - Macroeconomic and Country Risk Implications for Risk Managers
Tuesday, May 15th 2018: Regulatory Program - Senior Leadership Perspective on Evolving Markets and Regulatory Expectations
Wednesday, April 18th 2018: Annual Chief Risk Officers Roundtable
Wednesday, March 14th 2018: Leveraged Lending - Challenges, Trends and Opportunities
Wednesday, February 7th 2018: Chief Compliance Officers Roundtable
Wednesday, January 10th 2018: Liquidity Risk: Key Considerations for All Risk Managers
Wednesday, November 8th 2017: Systemic Risk - Are We Ready to Face the Next Global Financial Crisis?
Wednesday, September 14th 2017: The Future of Risk Management in the Digital Age
Tuesday, June 6th 2017: 2017 Regulatory Program - Roundtable Discussion with Senior Leaders from FINRA, FRBNY and SEC
Wednesday, May 3rd 2017: Annual Chief Risk Officers Roundtable
Wednesday, April 5th 2017: Effective Enterprise Risk Management in Financial Institutions
Wednesday, February 8th 2017: Risk Culture - Expectations and Practical Approaches
Wednesday, January 11th 2017: Hedge Funds - The Current State, Future Challenges and How to Manage Emerging Risks
Friday, December 9th 2016: Education Breakfast on Trends in Credit Risk Assessment and Modeling
Tuesday, November 15th 2016: The Impact of Fintech on Business Strategies and Risk Management
Monday, November 7th 2016: Breakfast Briefing - Margin Requirements for Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives
Wednesday, October 19th 2016: "Financial Market Utilities (FMUs): Resiliency, Risk Management Considerations and Heightened Supervisory Expectations"
Wednesday, September 21st 2016: "Blockchain - Risk Management Implications for the Financial Services Sector"
Thursday, May 26th 2016: Breakfast on "Single Counterparty Credit Limits - What Comprises a 'Single Counterparty'?"
Friday, May 20th 2016: Breakfast on "A Framework for Evaluating Hedge Funds as Counterparties - What Can Risk Professionals Learn From the Buy-Side?"
Wednesday, May 11th 2016: Emerging Risks in Cybersecurity - Are You and Your Organization Prepared For the Next Cyber Threat?
April 13th 2016: Leveraged Lending - Current Outlook and Risk Considerations
March 9th 2016: Annual Chief Risk Officers Roundtable
February 4th 2016: Senior Leadership Perspectives on the Evolving Risk and Regulatory Landscape
January 13th 2016: Chief Data Officers Roundtable
November 18th 2015: The Rise of Shadow Banking
October 14th 2015: Recovery and Resolution: The Evolution of Planning , Policy and Practice
September 16th 2015: Systemic Risk: Critical Considerations for Risk Managers in Precarious Times
April 22nd 2015: Risk Culture: An Essential Element of Successful Enterprise Risk Management
February 18th 2015: Senior Regulatory Leadership Perspective
January 14th 2015: FMUs: Issues Challenging Risk Management and Regulators
December 12th 2014: Education Breakfast: Contemporary Enterprise Risk Management
November 19th 2014: Hedge Fund Risk Management: Recent Developments, Emerging Issues and Red Flags
October 27th 2014: Stress Testing; Capital, Liquidity and Risk Appetite
September 17th 2014: Cybersecurity: A Critical Element to Enterprise Risk Management
May 21st 2014: Enterprise Risk Management: Synchronizing Business Strategy With Risk Appetite
April 23rd 2014: Annual Chief Risk Officers Roundtable
February 12th 2014: Hedge Fund Risk Management - Perspectives in Today's Environment
January 15th 2014: Financial Market Utilities: Designed to Survive and Too Important to Fail?
November 13th 2013: The Evolving Regulatory Framework: The Increasing Focus on Systemic Risk
September 17th 2013: Untangling the Risk Data Morass - Today's Challenges for Risk Managers to Obtain Accurate and Useful Data