
PEAK New York Grantmaking in a Diverse World – A Workshop

Jun 11, 2019 09:00am -
Jun 11, 2019 01:00pm

Event Description

Co-hosted with Philanthropy New York (PNY) 
More and more foundations have made the pursuit of equity, diversity and inclusion a core part of their mission. Yet some struggle with instituting the internal and external changes and shifts in thinking to meet such goals. This workshop will provide participants with practical understanding of how to work effectively with diverse populations, improving their grantmaking as well as how they manage, supervise, or volunteer within their organizations and communities.

Upon completing the workshop, you will be better able to:

  • Understand our societal system and improve systemic thinking. The audience will identify how they primarily think about things – Individual, Institutional, Community or Policy. We will then discuss looking at all four thought patterns as a whole. This will allow the audience to begin to process material systemically.
  • Identify where we are a part of the normalized and where we are not. The audience will identify 18 places where our societal system normalizes one group. After completing a chart on these 18 sets the audience will individually and privately circle in which groups they belong.
  • Review complexities that arise in a societal system that normalizes. The audience will review the 10 complexities that occur within the societal system. After each complexity the audience will discuss how that complexity impacts the work that they do and how they can respond differently or more effectively.
  • Gain individual and institutional tools with this new awareness so that we can analyze individual and institutional interaction. The audience will review two analysis tools that they can go back to their organization and use. The tools will allow them to see how their policies and actions may be geared toward the normalized groups and how they can make them be open and effective for all groups.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Space is limited. Registration is required.

Speaker: Jodi Pfarr, President, J Pfarr Consulting

Philanthropy New York
320 East 43rd St
New York, NY 10017
Please kindly bring ID to this event. Registration is required.

Registration Fees:

  • Organization: Free
  • Individual: $25
  • Non-Member: $55

PNY members may register on the PNY website here.

Event Type:zz- Regional Meeting Archived
Early registration ends on Apr 29, 2019.
Regular registration starts on Apr 30, 2019 and ends on Jun 10, 2019.
Late registration starts on Jun 11, 2019.
(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)



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