COSA/Department Leaders

COSA Board of Directors

Committee Description

The Confederation of Oregon School Administrators is an umbrella organization comprised of four departments:

  • Oregon Association of School Executives (OASE)
  • Oregon Association of Secondary School Administrators (OASSA)
  • Oregon Elementary School Principals Association (OESPA)
  • Oregon Association of Central Office Administrators (OACOA)

The Board is comprised of the COSA president, president-elect and past-president; the current president and president-elect of each department; and up to three members appointed to the Board to address under-representation of groups by gender, ethnicity, etc.

Committee Leadership
Mr. Colt Gill
(Ex-Officio Member)
Oregon Department of Education
Salem, OR
United States

James E. Green
(Ex-Officio Member)
Executive Director
Oregon School Boards Association
Salem, OR
United States

Peter Weber
(Ex-Officio Member)
Executive Director
Oregon School Activities Association
Wilsonville, OR
United States

Craig Hawkins
(COSA Executive Director)
Executive Director
Coalition of Oregon School Administrators
Salem, OR
United States