NCAI Membership Portal


RENEW your individual and Tribal

memberships, NOW.


The new (2021-2022) membership cycle begins October 1, 2021. All memberships must be renewed to qualify for membership pricing at our 2021 - 2022 Conferences.  

Membership Categories & Benefits

NCAI’s membership consists of six categories:

1. Tribal Membership

Recognized as a tribe or other identifiable group of American Indians by the Department of the Interior, Court of Claims, the Indian Claims Commission or a State.

Detailed information on Tribal Membership benefits and dues


2. Individual Indian Membership
Recognized as a member by an Indian tribe or band, or combination of tribes and bands, recognized by the Department of the Interior, the Indian Claims Commission, Court of Claims, or a State.

Benefits: One Vote, NCAI Broadcasts sent to One E-Mail, Reduced Conferences Rates, Copy of our publications throughout the year, One NCAI Car decal, and Welcome Letter with membership card.

Dues: Membership Dues - Individual Indian [Voting] - $40.00

Any person of Indian and/or Alaska Native ancestry in the United States is eligible for individual membership. For the purpose of this section, an Indian is a person who is recognized as a member by an Indian tribe, or band, or combination of tribes and bands recognized by the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Indian Claims Commission, Court of Claims, or a State.

3. Individual Associate Membership
Individuals that do not qualify for membership for lack of Indian ancestry. Non-Indian applicants are admitted as non-voting associate members.

Benefits: Non-Voting, NCAI Broadcasts sent to One E-Mail, Reduced Conferences Rates, Copy of our publications throughout the year, One NCAI Car decal, and Welcome Letter with membership card.

Dues: Membership Dues - Individual Indian [Non-Voting] - $40.00

4. Individual Indian Lifetime Membership
Recognized as a member by an Indian tribe or band, or combination of tribes and bands, recognized by the Department of the Interior, the Indian Claims Commission, Court of Claims, or a State.

Benefits: Lifetime Voting, NCAI Broadcasts sent to One E-Mail, Reduced Conference Rates, Copy of our publications throughout the year, Lifetime Membership Card, One NCAI Car decal, and one NCAI T-Shirt

Dues: Individual Indian Lifetime [Voting] - $1000.00

5. Individual Associate Lifetime Membership
Individuals that do not qualify for membership for lack of Indian ancestry. Non-Indian applicants are admitted as non-voting associate members.

Benefits: Non-Voting, NCAI Broadcasts sent to One E-Mail, Reduced Conference Rates, Copy of our publications throughout the year, Lifetime Membership Card, One NCAI Car decal, and one NCAI T-Shirt

Dues: Individual Associate Lifetime [Non-Voting] - $1000.00

6. Associate Organization Membership
Organizations have the same rights and privileges afforded to Individual Associate members.

Benefits: Non-Voting, NCAI Broadcasts sent to Two E-Mails, Reduced conference rates for two at each conference, Copy of our publications throughout the year, and Name listed in web directory of supporters

Associate Organization [Non-Voting] - $500.00

Details About Membership Dues
Pursuant to the National Congress of American Indians By-Laws, Article III – Members, Section C - Dues: “Annual membership dues shall be due and payable at the Annual Convention of each year for the following year until the next Annual Convention …

about membership

Q. Do I need to pay for an individual membership if my Tribe or Organization is already a member?

A. Yes, Tribal or Organizational memberships' do not cover individuals of the Tribe or Organization.


Q. When do I need to renew my individual and Tribal membership?

A. The current membership cycle started October 1, 2021 and will end September 30, 2022.


Q. How do I get credentialed as a delegate or an alternate representative for my Tribe?

A. You must have;

1) submitted a current resolution that lists you as the delegate or an alternate representative for your Tribe.

2) paid your Tribal membership dues for the current membership cycle.

3) paid your individual membership dues for the current membership cycle.

4) have paid meeting registration fees for the current conference.


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